This Month Around Town and Fort Huachuca:
Another busy month to round our the year and my first term on City Council. I attended the Retirement of Jeff Jennings, the Greater Huachuca Area Democratic Club Meeting to honor Dorothy Tompkins, the Chamber's Christmas Light Parade, the 2nd HIP-R2C, the General's Holiday Reception, and participated in Las Posadas for the first time, among other events.
The Sierra Vista Herald/Review hosted two hometown heroes who happened to both be a part of this year’s World Series. Darick Hall and Seth Martinez were in town last weekend to talk about their experiences and to meet with fans here in SV.
I love how Darick Hall stressed the point that "You don't do it yourself." when answering a question about his success.
Big thanks to the Herald/Review and SSVEC for making this happen.
Social media snapshots:
This month at City Hall:
Work Session for Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Work Session Agenda with Video Timestamps:
2. Presentation and Discussion:
A. December 8, 2022, Council Meeting Agenda Items:
B. Council Executive Report
C. Report on Recent Trips, Meetings, and Future Meetings
D. Future Discussion Items and Council Requests
3. Adjourn
City Council Meeting for Thursday, December 8, 2022
Press Release
City Council Meeting Agenda with Video Timestamps:
Call to Order
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance
Awards and Presentations
Item 1 Acceptance of the Agenda
City Manager's Report: Upcoming Meetings, Bid Openings, and Bid Awards
Item 2 Consent Agenda
Public Hearing
New Business
Call to the Public
Comments and Requests of the Council
Special City Council Meetings for Tuesday, December 20th, and Thursday, December 22, 2022 Video of Meeting on YouTube* *Unfortunately, due to a technical issue, the live stream for this video started late and has no picture.
Call to Order Roll Call Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Item 1 Acceptance of the Agenda New Business Item 2 Discussion and Possible Action on Resolution 2022-083, Appointment of Kenneth J. Curfman as the Sierra Vista City Magistrate and Approval of the Judicial Services Contract with Kenneth J. Curfman, Justice of the Peace, Precinct V – Tabled Item Adjournment
Looking Ahead:
10 Jan. - City Council Work Session 11 Jan. - Council Admin Retreat 12 Jan. - 1st City Council Meeting of 2023 13 Jan. - NPR Interview Airs 16 Jan. - MLK Celebration and Parade 18 Jan. - Mayor/Manager Luncheon
20 Jan. - AZ State Transportation Board Meeting (Here in Sierra Vista)
That's all from me today. I hope everyone has a safe and happy new year! And please never hesitate to reach out to me at with any comments or questions you may have.
This blog is written by Carolyn Umphrey and does not represent the views or opinions of the City of Sierra Vista or its City Council. For official information and news from the City of Sierra Vista, go to and/or check out this month's weekly City email newsletters. You can also learn ways to get more involved and stay informed about City happenings at Engage Sierra Vista.